Heroku vs Netlify

October 28, 2021

Heroku vs Netlify - A Factual Comparison

Are you having trouble deciding between Heroku and Netlify for your Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI CD) needs? Don't worry, we've got you covered. In this article, we'll compare Heroku and Netlify based on pricing, ease of use, and deployment options.


When it comes to pricing, Heroku and Netlify have different approaches. Heroku charges based on the resources you use, while Netlify follows a usage-based pricing model.

With Heroku, you can choose from different pricing tiers based on the resources you need. The starting price for Heroku is $7 per month, which includes 512MB RAM, 1x CPU, and 10GB storage. As you add more resources, the price will increase.

On the other hand, Netlify offers a free plan that includes 100GB bandwidth, 300 build minutes, and one Active Site. For more advanced features, Netlify charges for usage.

Ease of Use

When it comes to ease of use, both Heroku and Netlify have their strengths.

Heroku is a more mature platform and is well-documented. This means that it has a lot of features and integrations that Netlify may not yet have. However, this also means that it has a steeper learning curve.

Netlify, on the other hand, is built with simplicity in mind. Its Dashboard is clean and intuitive, and its documentation is straightforward.

Deployment Options

Both Heroku and Netlify offer multiple ways to deploy your applications. However, they differ in terms of their focus.

Heroku is focused on full-stack web applications, and its deployment options reflect that. Heroku integrates well with popular web frameworks like Ruby on Rails and Node.js. It also has support for Git-based deployments, which is a major advantage.

Netlify is focused on front-end and static-site applications. Its deployment options are tailored for this, and it excels in this regard. Netlify can automatically build and deploy your site as you push code to your Git repository.


To summarize, Heroku is a more mature platform and is better suited for full-stack web applications. Its pricing is based on resource usage, and it has a steeper learning curve. On the other hand, Netlify is focused on front-end and static-site applications, and its pricing is usage-based. If you're looking for a platform that is easy to use and has a straightforward learning curve, Netlify may be the better choice.

In the end, the platform you choose will depend on your specific needs. We hope this comparison helped you make a more informed decision.


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